NEU Gyrokinesis® Training with Chie Mukai
wednesdays 12.30 - 13.15 pm
autumn season from 25 September
Gyrotonic® Trio with Flavia Tabarrini or Chie Mukai
saturdays 11.00 - 12.15 am, registration required
Ashtanga yoga
mondays 8.15 - 9.45 am and tuesdays 6.00 - 7.30 pm mysore style;
thursdays 6.00 - 7.30 pm and fridays 5.00 - 6.30 pm led class with Flavia
suitable for all levels / trial lesson possible at any time
Somatic Movement Flow
Fridays 9.45-10.45 am
Start: 17.01.25, (5x) 85 EUR
Registration: (more)
Somatic Yoga Flow is a gentle yoga practice with light, flowing and gentle movements. The focus is on body awareness and inner experience.
Somatic yoga can retrain deeply learned, automatic muscle patterns and reverse years of chronic muscle tension and pain.
For all levels.
Pelvic floor training with Özlem Kohte
Participation in these courses by appointment only
Pelvic floor training is the foundation for good posture.
The muscles of the pelvic floor do not work in isolation. Together with the back and abdominal muscles they give the spine stability.
The pelvic floor performs many important functions in our body: it stops when we sneeze, laugh, jump and carry heavy loads. He is part of the trunk muscles.
Often the pelvic floor training is omitted in fitness training. With this course, participants will be given a deep work-out to locate the muscles of the pelvic floor and then integrate them into the exercises.