education 2025/26

course date price
GYROTONIC® Foundation Teacher Training Course 7-20 apr or 10-23 july 2100 €
GYROTONIC® Apprentice review course part 1 & 2 1-6 aug ( part 1 & 2) 1050,- €
GYROTONIC® Pre-Training Course with Chie Mukai 25-30 aug. or 6-11 nov. 1050,- €
GYROTONIC® Level 1 Update Course 5-7 Sept. ( Formia -Italy); 14-16 nov 525,- €
GYROTONIC® Arch Away Level 1 Course 19-24 oct 1050,- €
GYROTONIC® Foundation Teacher Training Course 4-17 july 2100,- €
GYROTONIC® Jumping-Stretching Board Course date will come soon 1225,-€
GYROTONER® Programm 1 Course date will come soon 630,-€
GYROKINESIS® cardiovascular Program 1 11-13 jan 525,- €
GYROKINESIS® cardiovascular Program 2 14-16 jan 525,- €
GYROKINESIS® update date will come soon 525,- €
GYROKINESIS® Foundation with Kojiro Imada date will come soon 1050,- €
GYROKINESIS® Pre-Training Course with Chie Mukai 17-22 april 1050,- €
GYROKINESIS® Pre-Training Course with Chie Mukai 17-22 jun or 4-9 sept. 1050,- €
Yamuna Body Rolling® Teacher Training course part 1 & 2 2-11 dec 1900,- €
Yamuna Body Rolling® Teacher Training course part 1 31 march and 1-4 april 26 1000,- €
Yamuna Body Rolling® Teacher Training course part 2 6-10 April 26 1000,- €
Yamuna Foot Fitness® Teacher Training course 7-9 june or 31 oct. and 1-2 nov. 850,- €

* Studio fee: 30 € per day (for longer courses, Teacher Training and special courses 200 €)

Registration Form for all Gyrotonic courses

Registration Form for all Gyrokinesis courses

The path to become a certified GYROTONIC® trainer:

GYROTONIC® Pre-Training

In this course you will learn the basic program of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® with the aim to experience the functioning and effect of the system on your own body. It is the first step to become a trainer and the requirement to buy the Pulley tower. (more)

Trainer:  Flavia Tabarrini GYROTONIC® Pre-Trainer
Date: 22-27 November 2024
Course duration:  30 hours (6 days a five hours)
Course fee:  1050,00 € (add studio fee)
Deadline for registration:   10 days before the start of the course
Language of instruction:  German (Italian, English and French by arrangement)
Registration Requirements: Knowing Progression 1

GYROTONIC® Foundation Course

The course provide you a more in-depth understanding of the Gyrotonic Level 1 Programm and the specific skills and techniques needed to teach these exercises to clients.
During this course, a Gyrotonic Master Trainer introduces the teaching techniques and principles underlying the Gyrotonic Level 1 exercise syllabus and introduces the complete Gyrotonic, Level 1 exercise curriculum. (more)

GYROTONIC® Apprenticeship

To help Gyrotonic Level I Apprentices expand their experience and understanding of the Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation Course material and to prepare them for the Gyrotonic Level 1 Final Certificate Course.
The apprenticeship period lasts a minimum of six months and a maximum of one year. During the apprenticeship period, you are required to complete 60 “teaching client” hours and a minimum of 30 supervised apprenticeship course hours.
You can complete your supervised apprenticeship review course hours under the guidance and supervision of a Gyrotonic Master Trainer either in the form of a six day Gyrotonic Apprenticeship Course or by re-taking the Gyrotonic Foundation Course. (more)

GYROTONIC® Final Certificate Course

The purpose of this course is twofold. It is an education course and it is also a practical assessment of students' teaching skills and their understanding of the Gyrotonic Level 1 curriculum.
To successfully complete this course, you must physically execute and demonstrate a proficient understanding of the exercises and principles in the Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation Course syllabus. Additionally, you must apply the appropriate verbal cues and physical guidance to a moving person according to the Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation Course manual. (more)

GYROTONIC® L1 Update Course

The main focus of the course is learning the last changes of the GYROTONIC Programm L1, completed by Juliu Horvath. Questions on sequences or about your own body are welcome, the goal is to deepen your teaching skills. (more)

Yamuna Body Rolling®

This is a 10 days certification program. It is offered as a 10 day intensive, two 5 day sessions ( Part 1 & Part 2), or locally over several weekends. Part 1 already leads to the center of Yamuna training. Here, you will learn about the anatomical foundations of YBR in practice: with the YBR balls you will sensitive the course of the muscle strands, as the basis of any therapeutic competence in this field.
Afterwards, you will learn basic exercises from the field of YBR, which allow you, including the entire body posture, to control your body and thus to achieve a reduction in pain and finally freedom from pain for both yourself and your clients. (more)

Yamuna Foot Fitness with Foot Wakers® Teacher Training

YFF Training - Yamuna Foot Fitness (FEET). A one-of-a-kind job. To solve the problems of the foot such as valgus toe, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, Morton's neuroma, etc..